Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just an Update

Greetings beloved followers! (if there are any of you left)
So clearly blogging regularly isn't a strong suit of ours but it's something we enjoy doing every so often, so we will continue going at whatever irregular pace we wish. Thank you for your patience, we definitely appreciate the support. :)

So fall and winter of 2011 were good. Nothing hugely memorable as far as I can recall (but that's not saying much because my memory is frequently compared to that of a goldfish... see pic below)

This is Randy

2012 is over halfway gone and that is still SO hard for us to believe. We had a great summer spent with friends and family (is there such a thing as too much family time?? We decided YES DEFINITELY but you can be the judge). School has just started and Kronk is already signed off of facebook indefinitely and working away. My classes really haven't started yet so I'm still in this pseudo-summer mode that I know I will be reluctant to let go of. The prospect of finally reaching the famed "senior year" doesn't thrill me...but I'm alive so I try not to complain. Easier said than done, folks.

During the summer, I spent the most amazing 10 days on Lipscomb's campus as an honorary college student. It was an incredible experience and the people I met are just one big bowl of awesomeness. I mention all of this to you because tonight I was reminded of some of the youtube videos we watched while just chillin after dinner. I spent some time laughing over them with Kronk this evening and thought I'd share them with you all. Enjoy!


Boyfriend Parody:

Marcell the Shell:

Chumpin: (the new rage! WHCTers...we should start a trend. #homeschoolerscanhaveswagtoo)

That Good Feeling: (actually created by one of the kids at Summer Scholars! Shout out to Jackson!)

We are also obsessing over So You Think You Can Dance season 9. AMAZING. The boys are the powerhouse this season. So fun to watch! 

One last thing, I got a twitter account! Follow me @paulavictoria95
Thanks guys,


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beards and a Video

Hello omnivores. We have an apology to make.

I'm a carnivore. And yes, we do.

It has 2 months since we've written anything on here...So if you've been checking in on this blog regularly (or irregularly) we are sorry for not posting more recent stuff.

Now that that's over... Let's give them a beard.

And yes, that's a windmill in his beard.
That is one intense beard. * stands in awe *

Yes. Yes, it is. * stands in awe *
Please take a moment to stand in awe of this beard.

And here is a video to accompany this post. (Trying to make up for two months of not posting!) 

Enjoy! (The reason it ended so dramatically was because my computer went into sleep mode and ended the video, but not before catching us freaking out.) haha
Don't forget to comment/rate the haha-ness of the post! It makes our day to hear what you think! 
Randy and Kronk

Thursday, July 21, 2011



ughh wait you fail....

Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip.


Nop. Neva. I hate your keyboard protector

ok here we go!!
we are going to try and say something that makes sense to the people of earth (and/or your ten followers)

wai- wai- wai- wait. LETS MAKE A VIDEO! And I get to introduce the mysterious aqua colored person! 

(i didn't pick that) the loser in black did....

We call her bird for short. :) and she's kinda loony, so if you hear her saying "SHUT UP BIRD" she's telling herself to shut up. hehe now for a video because you totally want to see my sunburned and non-make-uped face. :D


Friday, May 13, 2011

He's Never Letting Go.

Hey guys,
Randy here, and I have some news for you...Many of you know already what I'm about to say, but I wanted to put it all on here, for any passerby to see - because it has filled me with peace. A peace that only comes from God.

Yesterday around 11:30am we got news that my Grandfather only had a few hours to live. Grandpa Jones lives in Arizona with my grandma, aunt, and uncle...a very long distance away from us. My grandpa's health has been declining for some time now. It's a combination of a lot of different things...If I had to tell you the main diagnosis, I would say he has atrophy of the brain. Basically, the tissue in his brain is dying. And frankly, it's not a very hopeful diagnosis. We've watched him suffer, and with him, my grandma, and my aunt and uncle who had to watch every day as he declined.

It hasn't been pretty. He's gone from losing the use of his right hand, to not being able to walk on his own, to having trouble breathing, and now in a coma, where he is unresponsive to everything outside his body. The doctors think he can still hear, so my daddy and the rest of the family who are there have been by his bedside talking to him and loving on him. I'm so glad they're there with him.

But there is someone else inside that crowded hospice room. Someone greater, and more amazing and wonderful then all the best family members in the world. He is there, enveloping saddened hearts with peace, holding shaking hands, and drying wet eyes. He's pulling those in need of him close, and whispering soothing words into their hearts. He's here, in Tennessee...holding me and my sisters and mother. He's there, here, in Illinois, and he's in full control.

My dad warned us on Monday that things were not going to get better for my grandpa. He told us not to be surprised if anything should happen. I knew he wasn't well...but he hadn't been well for some time now. It didn't seem possible that he would go now. Then Thursday came and we got the call from my aunt. Only hours left.

I don't want to dramatize how I was just...scary, and that's all. My world was being rocked - and not in the good way. So I went to my knees and through tears prayed the longest, and hardest prayer I've ever prayed. and kept it up all day long.

I went through all my family members...oh, maybe 50 times. I prayed nearly the same thing for each though...peace. Let them have peace Father, in knowing you are in control. You've got this God. You're not letting go. 

Through these prayers, and the thoughts, prayers and support of faithful friends, I found the peace I so desperately needed. I have never in my life felt so at ease...and at such a time! People asked me how I was doing, and I felt so weird telling them I was fine! When I explained, they offered their extra support and love and prayers for my family. I am so truly blessed with these people in my life. My mind is completely blown with these people..and most of them my age and younger! I can't wait to see who they will become and how they are going to change the world. They are all fantastic, and I am thankful to know them, and have them in my life.

So only a few hours. Well, those hours have turned to a day. It's still uncertain how much longer he will hold on, but the estimate is sometime tomorrow or at latest, Sunday. He's on his way home, guys...and in heaven, nothing will be able to touch him. Not pain, sickness, death, fear...nothing. He'll be with God and he'll have a new body, one that will never, ever decay. He will be forever with our creator. There is reason for rejoicing!

God's got this. He's in control. And if there is one thing that I would like everyone in the world to know; it's that he's not letting go. He'll never let go. Not of me, you, Grandpa, Grandma, or even Kronk... So let him do his work and don't let the world knock you off your feet. He's in control. He's not letting go.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smitten with Spritely

Hey Ya'll!
So on Saturday I celebrated my 16th birthday with some simply *amazing* friends, and I gained a new friend in the process. Check him out:

This is my new bff: Spritely Beethoven

Isn't he just the cutest!?

He escaped into my room and found a great perch on my pegboard. :)

We think he's pretty great. Kronk just got him onto her finger (which is pretty amazing for her..she is pretty skittish when it comes to birds, fish, butterflies and hamsters.) I'm proud. :)
I went horseback-riding yesterday and realized that I have the best boys in the world...
The horses- Harley and Pepper
and now...
(my dad is content with these boys and would rather me not find a "real" boy anytime soon...I'm content too....for now.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Video EVER!!!!!!!

Hey! Kronk here! so Randy and I were on youtube last night, and found this amazing video!! 

This is the kind of humor Kronk and I love... and some may find it stupid, but that's why it's HILARIOUS!!!

agreed. With all this rain, I think that our people who check our blog, deserve something to turn their frowns upside down!! 

Trust us, you day will be SO much better after you watch this. :)
