Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Video EVER!!!!!!!

Hey! Kronk here! so Randy and I were on youtube last night, and found this amazing video!! 

This is the kind of humor Kronk and I love... and some may find it stupid, but that's why it's HILARIOUS!!!

agreed. With all this rain, I think that our people who check our blog, deserve something to turn their frowns upside down!! 

Trust us, you day will be SO much better after you watch this. :)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (Randy here)
    Haha, you should know, (for honesty's sake) that I actually had no part in putting this post up. The black letters are supposed to be me, but I did not write them. I WAS IMPERSONATED by a certain someone named KRONK.
    I do think she did a rather good job...I probably would have said something similar, if not identical, had I been here.
    Alas, I was not, so we must metaphorically throw her to the lock ness monster's dwelling in the deep.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
