Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beards and a Video

Hello omnivores. We have an apology to make.

I'm a carnivore. And yes, we do.

It has 2 months since we've written anything on here...So if you've been checking in on this blog regularly (or irregularly) we are sorry for not posting more recent stuff.

Now that that's over... Let's give them a beard.

And yes, that's a windmill in his beard.
That is one intense beard. * stands in awe *

Yes. Yes, it is. * stands in awe *
Please take a moment to stand in awe of this beard.

And here is a video to accompany this post. (Trying to make up for two months of not posting!) 

Enjoy! (The reason it ended so dramatically was because my computer went into sleep mode and ended the video, but not before catching us freaking out.) haha
Don't forget to comment/rate the haha-ness of the post! It makes our day to hear what you think! 
Randy and Kronk

Thursday, July 21, 2011



ughh wait you fail....

Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip.


Nop. Neva. I hate your keyboard protector

ok here we go!!
we are going to try and say something that makes sense to the people of earth (and/or your ten followers)

wai- wai- wai- wait. LETS MAKE A VIDEO! And I get to introduce the mysterious aqua colored person! 

(i didn't pick that) the loser in black did....

We call her bird for short. :) and she's kinda loony, so if you hear her saying "SHUT UP BIRD" she's telling herself to shut up. hehe now for a video because you totally want to see my sunburned and non-make-uped face. :D


Friday, May 13, 2011

He's Never Letting Go.

Hey guys,
Randy here, and I have some news for you...Many of you know already what I'm about to say, but I wanted to put it all on here, for any passerby to see - because it has filled me with peace. A peace that only comes from God.

Yesterday around 11:30am we got news that my Grandfather only had a few hours to live. Grandpa Jones lives in Arizona with my grandma, aunt, and uncle...a very long distance away from us. My grandpa's health has been declining for some time now. It's a combination of a lot of different things...If I had to tell you the main diagnosis, I would say he has atrophy of the brain. Basically, the tissue in his brain is dying. And frankly, it's not a very hopeful diagnosis. We've watched him suffer, and with him, my grandma, and my aunt and uncle who had to watch every day as he declined.

It hasn't been pretty. He's gone from losing the use of his right hand, to not being able to walk on his own, to having trouble breathing, and now in a coma, where he is unresponsive to everything outside his body. The doctors think he can still hear, so my daddy and the rest of the family who are there have been by his bedside talking to him and loving on him. I'm so glad they're there with him.

But there is someone else inside that crowded hospice room. Someone greater, and more amazing and wonderful then all the best family members in the world. He is there, enveloping saddened hearts with peace, holding shaking hands, and drying wet eyes. He's pulling those in need of him close, and whispering soothing words into their hearts. He's here, in Tennessee...holding me and my sisters and mother. He's there, here, in Illinois, and he's in full control.

My dad warned us on Monday that things were not going to get better for my grandpa. He told us not to be surprised if anything should happen. I knew he wasn't well...but he hadn't been well for some time now. It didn't seem possible that he would go now. Then Thursday came and we got the call from my aunt. Only hours left.

I don't want to dramatize how I was just...scary, and that's all. My world was being rocked - and not in the good way. So I went to my knees and through tears prayed the longest, and hardest prayer I've ever prayed. and kept it up all day long.

I went through all my family members...oh, maybe 50 times. I prayed nearly the same thing for each though...peace. Let them have peace Father, in knowing you are in control. You've got this God. You're not letting go. 

Through these prayers, and the thoughts, prayers and support of faithful friends, I found the peace I so desperately needed. I have never in my life felt so at ease...and at such a time! People asked me how I was doing, and I felt so weird telling them I was fine! When I explained, they offered their extra support and love and prayers for my family. I am so truly blessed with these people in my life. My mind is completely blown with these people..and most of them my age and younger! I can't wait to see who they will become and how they are going to change the world. They are all fantastic, and I am thankful to know them, and have them in my life.

So only a few hours. Well, those hours have turned to a day. It's still uncertain how much longer he will hold on, but the estimate is sometime tomorrow or at latest, Sunday. He's on his way home, guys...and in heaven, nothing will be able to touch him. Not pain, sickness, death, fear...nothing. He'll be with God and he'll have a new body, one that will never, ever decay. He will be forever with our creator. There is reason for rejoicing!

God's got this. He's in control. And if there is one thing that I would like everyone in the world to know; it's that he's not letting go. He'll never let go. Not of me, you, Grandpa, Grandma, or even Kronk... So let him do his work and don't let the world knock you off your feet. He's in control. He's not letting go.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smitten with Spritely

Hey Ya'll!
So on Saturday I celebrated my 16th birthday with some simply *amazing* friends, and I gained a new friend in the process. Check him out:

This is my new bff: Spritely Beethoven

Isn't he just the cutest!?

He escaped into my room and found a great perch on my pegboard. :)

We think he's pretty great. Kronk just got him onto her finger (which is pretty amazing for her..she is pretty skittish when it comes to birds, fish, butterflies and hamsters.) I'm proud. :)
I went horseback-riding yesterday and realized that I have the best boys in the world...
The horses- Harley and Pepper
and now...
(my dad is content with these boys and would rather me not find a "real" boy anytime soon...I'm content too....for now.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Video EVER!!!!!!!

Hey! Kronk here! so Randy and I were on youtube last night, and found this amazing video!! 

This is the kind of humor Kronk and I love... and some may find it stupid, but that's why it's HILARIOUS!!!

agreed. With all this rain, I think that our people who check our blog, deserve something to turn their frowns upside down!! 

Trust us, you day will be SO much better after you watch this. :)


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6 Shirtless Guys.

Oh yes. You decided to read this post just because of the title...didn't you? 
I don't blame you... I'd be doing the same thing... x)

Anyway... Today wasn't an "extra-ordinary" day by any means. But it was one of those days, that when you look back at the little things that happened, you smile and think "hey, today was a pretty good day, all things considered" and then you're just kinda happy until you go to sleep. 

I have been debating with myself how to present these things, and I think I've decided to just list them to you, with a bit of commentary, of course. :) (p.s. these aren't in put in order of when they happened..I'm just giving them to you as they come to me.)

List of happy and random things that happened in my day:
  • Kronk randomly sang the Phineas and Ferb theme song while I wrote this post - "There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it..." I have come to the conclusion she's either craving summer or the adventure of locating Frankenstein's brain. "it's over here!" 
  • I had the urge to play the piano with M&M's on the keys like they did in the Princess Diaries. 
  • Now I want to watch the Princess Diaries. 
  • I helped in the construction of a Colosseum made out of Jenga blocks - not gonna lie, it was pretty awesome.
  • I got started on my service project! - woot! all you tutorial peeps, bring unused school supplies to the box with the awesome poster above it!! they're going to help some pretty amazing kiddos!
  • My daddy got home from a business trip in Florida and said he liked my "bling" - I got my ears pierced yesterday :)
  • Kronk and I played soccer - I might mention she is sorta a failure at I wish I had had my video camera!! She did get better as the evening progressed. After she learned how to kick the ball forwards she became a pretty mean goalie. ;)
  • and last but certainly not least - had an awesomely awkward moment when all the sudden six shirtless guys on a run pass my friends and I as we stand talking outside history class. :D
Thanks for reading! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kronk's Day

Morning all.... (notice that I did not say "good morning.") because this Wednesday morning is NOT a good morning. But it all began yesterday....

* dramatic music plays *

As you all know (hopefully) Randy and I go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yesterday was Tuesday and I always have study hall (the funnest time span in school. :D) after science class. Well our mother was very busy so she told me that I would not be able to stay for study hall because our friend, who goes to our school and lives like 2 sec away from us, would take me home immediately after science. NOOOOO!!!! I was very sad when I heard this depressing news. (BTW, I love our friend, I was sad about study hall.) But then my amazing other friend named Camryn told me that my house is on the way to hers and she would be able to take me home after study hall, as she is always in that study hall, I couldn't refuse! I love you Camryn! She dropped me off at our home, only for me to find an empty house (except for Buttons of course).

I am an extreme extrovert and when I don't have anybody to talk to for a very long time.... I get crazy, bored, and hungry. So I turned on some loud music and began singing and dancing on our catwalk (which is really fun) and hosted a party consisting of Buttons and Myself.

Randy and Mom finally came home at 3:30 (Camryn dropped me off at 12:15) I was quite depressed by then so I walked into my room turned on some sad Taylor Swift songs and plopped onto my bed face down. I asked my mom if I could go and see a play our other friend (Carly) was in at 7:00, and she told that it could probably be done. Well 6:45 rolls around and I tell her we need to leave and she says that she cannot drive me there becuase she needs to pick up our little sisters from play practice. No play for Kronk. Finally she comes home, and the phone rings, it is our Uncle asking us if Randy or Kronk would like to babysit our cousins for only 30 min. I jumped up and down shouting "yes yes!!! thank you God!!! PEOPLE!!!" and about 5 seconds later he says nevermind he actually doesn't need a babysitter.
so depressed, with a sad frown on my face, I adourned to my bed chambers and fell asleep.

As it is only 7:21 it would seem not much could happen to me..... but you would be wrong.

Jacob (the oldest cousin) runs with me on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays before he has to get on the large yellow bus for school. So this morning, I wake up to my alarm, which scared me (another story), I rolled out of bed out my bed, put on my running shorts, and old T-shirt, throw my hair into a pony-tale, grab my satchel with my phone in it, and tell my mom "I am off to run with Jacob." She tells me that it is cold outside and I should make sure he still wants to run. I tell her that it's going to be fine and I will survive a little chilly weather.
I get on my bike ride as fast I could to his house (as I was EXTREMELY cold...) Run up to the front door, knock firmly upon it and wait. and wait. and wait.
I soon realized that everyone in side the pretty, warm, house was asleep. yes, asleep. I walk toward my bike, get on it, and ride away with frost bitten hands. I rode so fast and was so cold the last part of the ride is a blur. All I remember was a cat hiding under our fathers car. I hate cats. They are evil and scary. So naturally I kinda freaked out and ran inside the garage as quickly as possible.

That concludes my interesting and funny story... if you found it interesting or funny. I certainly did not.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Have you ever seen the rain?

Hey all!
Guess what we just did!!! Here's a hint: our hair is a wet, scraggly mess, we have raccoon eyes and had to change our clothes after we came in.
* grins * That's right. We played in the rain. It was probably the funnest thing I've done all week. (yes, I know "funnest" is not a real word. but it's my word. let it go.) What can I say? It was pouring, just dumping water from the skies, and my first thought was, "I have to run in that." So I dragged Kronk out with me. Isn't there a saying that says something to the effect of "best friends don't stop you from looking stupid, but decide they can look stupid with you"? haha
So we went out and were stupid. We danced. We jumped in puddles. I sang. Loud. Here's a picture!

Me singing

And then Kronk realized that we were being watched by a neighbor gardening. (why he was doing that in the rain..?...I have no clue.) Here's a picture of her reaction!

I think she was embarrassed by my singing. (mission accomplished.)
Haha. It was fun.
The moral of this story: If you ever get the chance to play in a downpour...take it! And sing, too.
Here are some suggested songs:
Singin' in the Rain (a classic)
Down in the River to Pray
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival (they are a suuperrr amazing old band)
Crush - David Archuleta (just to get some strange looks from your gardening neighbors)
Take it Easy - the Eagles
and finally...
Have You Ever Seen the Rain? - also by CCR.

Happy singing!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Post (unoriginal name...we know.)

Hey. How's it going?

Feeling alive?

We hope you aren't feeling dead.

I know a farmer!

Anyway..... Welcome to our first post! I'm Randy (in the black letters) and this is: 

Kronk! (in the purple...) 

We are sister/best buds and now, no-life-bloggers! Woot!

I pull levers. And shiny buttons are the BEST. I'm going to get serious now. 
It's currently the school year of 2011!! Woop woop! Thus, we don't have alot of time to post video posts.

Which, by the way, is what we really, really hope to do once the summer begins. The purpose of this blog, then, is to introduce us to you, and hopefully bring a bit of joy and happiness to your life. :) We love to be random, so prepare yourself for...
TURKEYS. (see what I did there? *wink*) 

Oh, yes. Randomness is our specialty...It's how we survive the school year!

Especially the last semester. It's definitely the worst part of the year, so we are gonna need some extra random happiness to survive. That's partially why we created this blog.

* quotes Shakespeare *

She's really not that smart. 

Now all you nerds. (you're undoubtedly nerds because you're reading this blog) Get off and get a life! We won't be posting again until... something interesting happens! (hope it's soon!)

Bye! :)

Random fact of the post: 85% of people who get hit by lighting are male. So you don't have to worry about us getting hit by lightning. Don't you feel better now? We do.