Greetings beloved followers! (if there are any of you left)
So clearly blogging regularly isn't a strong suit of ours but it's something we enjoy doing every so often, so we will continue going at whatever irregular pace we wish. Thank you for your patience, we definitely appreciate the support. :)
So fall and winter of 2011 were good. Nothing hugely memorable as far as I can recall (but that's not saying much because my memory is frequently compared to that of a goldfish... see pic below)
This is Randy |
2012 is over halfway gone and that is still SO hard for us to believe. We had a great summer spent with friends and family (is there such a thing as too much family time?? We decided YES DEFINITELY but you can be the judge). School has just started and Kronk is already signed off of facebook indefinitely and working away. My classes really haven't started yet so I'm still in this pseudo-summer mode that I know I will be reluctant to let go of. The prospect of finally reaching the famed "senior year" doesn't thrill me...but I'm alive so I try not to complain. Easier said than done, folks.
During the summer, I spent the most amazing 10 days on Lipscomb's campus as an honorary college student. It was an incredible experience and the people I met are just one big bowl of awesomeness. I mention all of this to you because tonight I was reminded of some of the youtube videos we watched while just chillin after dinner. I spent some time laughing over them with Kronk this evening and thought I'd share them with you all. Enjoy!
Boyfriend Parody:
Marcell the Shell:
Chumpin: (the new rage! WHCTers...we should start a trend. #homeschoolerscanhaveswagtoo)
That Good Feeling: (actually created by one of the kids at Summer Scholars! Shout out to Jackson!)
We are also obsessing over So You Think You Can Dance season 9. AMAZING. The boys are the powerhouse this season. So fun to watch!
One last thing, I got a twitter account! Follow me @paulavictoria95
Thanks guys,