Hey all!
Guess what we just did!!! Here's a hint: our hair is a wet, scraggly mess, we have raccoon eyes and had to change our clothes after we came in.
* grins * That's right. We played in the rain. It was probably the funnest thing I've done all week. (yes, I know "funnest" is not a real word. but it's my word. let it go.) What can I say? It was pouring, just dumping water from the skies, and my first thought was, "I have to run in that." So I dragged Kronk out with me. Isn't there a saying that says something to the effect of "best friends don't stop you from looking stupid, but decide they can look stupid with you"? haha
So we went out and were stupid. We danced. We jumped in puddles. I sang. Loud. Here's a picture!
Me singing |
And then Kronk realized that we were being watched by a neighbor gardening. (why he was doing that in the rain..?...I have no clue.) Here's a picture of her reaction!
Kronk |
I think she was embarrassed by my singing. (mission accomplished.)
Haha. It was fun.
The moral of this story: If you ever get the chance to play in a downpour...take it! And sing, too.
Here are some suggested songs:
Singin' in the Rain (a classic)
Down in the River to Pray
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival (they are a suuperrr amazing old band)
Crush - David Archuleta (just to get some strange looks from your gardening neighbors)
Take it Easy - the Eagles
and finally...
Have You Ever Seen the Rain? - also by CCR.
Happy singing!
Hey. How's it going?
Feeling alive?
We hope you aren't feeling dead.
I know a farmer!
Anyway..... Welcome to our first post! I'm Randy (in the black letters) and this is:
Kronk! (in the purple...)
We are sister/best buds and now, no-life-bloggers! Woot!
I pull levers. And shiny buttons are the BEST. I'm going to get serious now.
It's currently the school year of 2011!! Woop woop! Thus, we don't have alot of time to post video posts.
Which, by the way, is what we really, really hope to do once the summer begins. The purpose of this blog, then, is to introduce us to you, and hopefully bring a bit of joy and happiness to your life. :) We love to be random, so prepare yourself for...
TURKEYS. (see what I did there? *wink*)
Oh, yes. Randomness is our specialty...It's how we survive the school year!
Especially the last semester. It's definitely the worst part of the year, so we are gonna need some extra random happiness to survive. That's partially why we created this blog.
* quotes Shakespeare *
She's really not that smart.
Now all you nerds. (you're undoubtedly nerds because you're reading this blog) Get off and get a life! We won't be posting again until... something interesting happens! (hope it's soon!)
Bye! :)
Random fact of the post: 85% of people who get hit by lighting are male. So you don't have to worry about us getting hit by lightning. Don't you feel better now? We do.